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Muthuvila St. Mary's SMCC

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Muthuvila St. Mary's SMCC

Vicar :Rev. Fr. Daniel   Poovannathil


Estd Year :2017

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Address :St. Mary's Malankara Syrian Catholic Church, Muthuvila P.O., Kilimannoor, Trivandrum Dist-695 610

History and Development

St. Mary’s Malankara Syrian Catholic Church, Muthuvila in the Major Archdiocese of Trivandrum belongs to the Ecclesiastical district of Kilimanoor.  The first community of this parish was formed on 9.04.2017 and blessed by His Beatitude Moran Mor Baselios Cardinal Cleemis. 


Former Vicars

  1. Rev. Fr. Samuel Paravila
  2. Rev. Fr. God Joy  Godwin cottage
  3. Rev. Fr. Adarsh Kumbalath
  4. Rev. Fr. George   KAIMALAYIL

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