Welcome to The Syro-Malankara Catholic Church

Northern Ireland - Belfast

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Syro Malankara Catholic Church in Northern Ireland

Belfast is located in the North of Ireland and belongs to the United Kingdom, England. Currently there are 5 Malankara Catholic families living in that area. 

The Community was officially inaugurated in August 2016 with a blessing letter from His Beatitude Moran Mor Baselios Cardinal Cleemis, the Major Archbishop-Catholicos. 

For the major ecclesial celebrations, the Community in Belfast joins us in Dublin. Rev. Fr. Abraham Pathackal George is the Chaplain of this Community in Belfast. 

Chaplain : Rev. Fr. Abraham Pathackal George

                  32. Wheatfield Close, Clondalkin, 

                  Dublin 22. Rep. of Ireland

                  Email- abrahampathackal@gmail.com; Tel: 00353899639637


Trustee             : Mr. Abraham Thomas, 6 Holland Gardens, Belfast, Bt5 6eg, Northern Ireland, 00 44 7720 350 827

                           Email: abethomas1963@yahoo.co.uk

Secretary         : Mr. Raju Varghese, 6 Ribble Street, Belfast, Bt4 1hw, Northern Ireland, 00 44 7429 086 312 

                           Email: rajuvarghese@gmail.com

Joint Secretary : Mr. Josephkutty, 228 Comber Road, Belfast, Bt16 2bs, Northern Ireland, 00 44 7796264693

                           Email: josephkutty123@yahoo.co.uk

Pithru Sangam : Mr. Geevarghese Attasseril, 8 Demesne Park, Down patrick, Bt30 6wg, 00 44 7587706621

                           Email: jargheseattasseril098@hotmail.com

Mathrusangam : Mrs. Aleyamma George, 6 Ribble Street, Belfast, Bt4 1hw, Northern Ireland, 00 44 7429 086 312 

                           Email: rajuvarghese@gmail.com

Catechism        : Mrs. Joma Jose Kovoor, 12 Knightsbridge, Lisburn, Bt 28 3dg, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland, 00 44 7710678624,

                           Email: johnkovoor@yahoo.com

Youth (MCYM) : Miss Dina Varghese Attasseril, 8 Demesne Park, Downpatrick, Bt 30 6wg, 00 44 7587706621

                           Email: dvattasseril904@outlook.com

Member           : Miss Harsha Abraham, 6 Holland Gardens, Belfast, Bt5 6eg, Northern Ireland, 00 44 7720 350 827

                          Email: abethomas1963@yahoo.co.uk

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