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Synodal Commission for Evangelization

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Synodal Commission for Evangelization

The Synodal Commission for Evangelization is to direct and coordinate the task of spreading the Gospel and the missionary cooperation of the Syro-Malankara Catholic Church.
It takes the initiative to awaken missionary consciousness and vocation in the Malankara Catholic faithful, through prayer, witness of their life, their active work, and contribution. The duty of the commission is to promote research in mission theology, spirituality, and pastoral work proposing principles, norms, and procedures in accordance with the needs of time and place, especially taking into consideration the multi-religious, socio-political and ecclesial dimensions.
This commission proposes concrete measures from time to time for the realization of the task of evangelization.
The Suvishesha Sangam is organized and animated by the Synodal Commission according to its objectives and by law.