Synodal Commission for the Clergy
Synodal Commission for the Clergy examines matters regarding priests and deacons in general and the eparchial clergy in particular, with regard to their persons and pastoral ministry, and with regard to resources available to them for the exercise of their ministry.
It fosters the ongoing formation and education of the clergy, especially concerning their sanctification and the effective exercise of their pastoral ministry, primarily the preaching of the Word of God.
It deals with those matters:
1. Presbyteral councils, colleges of eparchial consulters, pastoral councils, parishes, churches, shrines, and those concerning clerical associations.
2. Those matters concerning Holy Qurbono obligations as well as pious wills in general and pious foundations
3. Welfare of the priests, such as their salary, allowances, insurance schemes, pensions, old age healthcare, etc.
4. It organizes the Vaidika Sangamam – at least once in 5 years